A Painter’s Florentine Garden: Lola Costa and Il Palmerino

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The Curators’ Quaderno is a collection of notebook-style publications, conceived by Calliope Arts, in collaboration with The Florentine Press, to raise awareness of women’s contributions to the fields of art, science and culture.

Text language: English



A Painter’s Florentine Garden: Lola Costa and Il Palmerino

Created as part of the project “A Florentine Garden: Early Women Ex-pats and Artists of Today”, a 3-year project (2024-2026), that will explore gardens as a fundamental part of women’s cultural endeavours in Italy and England, from the turn of the last century to today. This issue of The Curators’ Quaderno series accompanies the exhibition “Return Home, Lola Costa at Il Palmerino”, at Il Palmerino Cultural Association, the project’s initial event.

Project organisers

Il Palmerino Cultural Association
Calliope Arts Foundation
in collaboration with The British Institute of Florence

Printed for the exhibition “Return Home, Lola Costa at Il Palmerino” curated by Federica Parretti
Florence, June – September 2024

This exhibition was created as part of “Estate Fiorentina 2024” an initiative proposed within the City of Florence’s Operational Plan

Exhibition and publication sponsors

Calliope Arts Foundation

tcq series editor Linda Falcone

With texts by Giuliano Angeli, Lola Costa, Linda Falcone, Vernon Lee, Margie MacKinnon, Federica Parretti, Luca Scarlini and Claudia Tobin

2024 B’Gruppo Srl, Prato. First Edition: June 2024 Series: The Curators’ Quaderno © Calliope Arts Foundation
All rights reserved

Additional information

Weight 95 g
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 1 cm

Digital PDF, Paper copy + Digital PDF